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My Coffee Addiction & Trail Morning Routine

If you are anything like me, coffee is a must. Although caffeine does not affect me, it is a ritual. It is how I start out every morning. When I wake up (not on trail), the first thing I do is go to the kitchen and boil my water for my coffee.

However, when on trail, it’s not always this simple. Just because I’m on trail doesn’t mean I’m going to forgo my morning coffee.

Over the years I have found the Trader Joe’s instant coffee with cream and sugar to hit the spot. If you didn’t already know, I am a slight coffee snob. I started roasting my own coffee a few years back because I could never find a blend that hit just right. After perfecting my perfect blend, I was set. However, it is highly inconvenient to bring coffee grounds on trail (mainly because it takes so much time to brew and not to mention all the extra trash that would need to be packed out). Because of this, I started testing out instant coffees and after many failed attempts landed on the one I use today.

All you have to do is dump a pack of the instant coffee in (I like to add two packets to make it a little stronger) and add some hot water. And bam, it’s ready.

On the trail, when it comes to my morning routine, it is more straightforward than one would think. For me, I wake up and complain to myself about getting out of my cozy quilt. Then I begrudgingly get out of my tent and pee. I pack up everything in my tent, and then set my water to boil. As my water is boiling I finish taking down my tent. By the time my water has boiled, my tent is away and it's time to add my coffee. I then sit, enjoy my coffee, eat my oatmeal (which is usually cold because I opted to use my hot water for my coffee) and then put my food and stove away. If I happen to have been camping at a water source, I make sure to fill up on water, and then I’m off for the day.

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